Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hello Again!

Just some other random thoughts ...

Even though it's Alaska, a lot of places have hot tubs and if this amazing weather holds out, you may want to take some swims in our frigid mountain lakes - so bring your swimsuits!!

Also, Cathy (the owner of Raven Glacier Lodge) recommends using 'shoe slips' if you do not have much traction on your wedding shoes as the dance floor and decks can get slippery and there are also these nifty 'solemates' for preventing high heels from slipping into dirt/grass if you're planning on wearing some!  The ceremony/reception will be both in and outside depending on the weather so these may help!

Sarah :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hi All!

So far this has been an epic summer - sunny and hot the majority of the time which has enabled us pasty white Alaskans to get some color!

Midnight gardening with happy hooligan dogs, wine, and sunshine.

Epic sunsets night after night ... come on weather - hold out!!!

We're keeping our fingers crossed that this amazing weather will continue but considering we got a foot of snow this year at the end of may ... you just never know :) Be sure to pack a lot of layers (including a rain jacket) as the temperature can change dramatically throughout the day.  Mosquitos and 'no-see-ums'  are also always bad in the summer here so plan on investing in some bug spray when you land. We are lucky enough to have two 'skeeter-vacs' which keep our house very pleasant but they're a bit hard to lug around when hiking!

For those of you planning on exploring the wilderness a bit, here is a nice reference for bear safety.  Even if you're not exploring too far, it's still good information to have as you can encounter bears anywhere from our yard to downtown Anchorage :)

Can't wait to see you all so soon!

Sarah & Ryan